272 research outputs found

    環境倫理学の視点の海洋教育への適用可能性 ―海洋政策文化学科における初年次教育を一事例として―

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    本稿の目的は、環境倫理学の視点の環境教育への適用の可能性を検討することである。ヨーロッパの思想を基盤とする従来の環境倫理学は、地球規模の環境問題を解決するための価値観や意思決定手法に主に焦点を合わせている。反対に、日本の一部の環境倫理学者は、自然と人間との関係の多様性を重視する。社会的・経済的側面と文化的・宗教的側面に注目して、地域社会の特徴を分析するというものである。現代社会における環境問題の多くは「グローカル」であるゆえに、両方のアプローチが必要である。すなわち、グローバルな次元とローカルな次元が複雑に絡み合っている。こうした観点は、海洋教育においても重要となる。どのように海との共生を実現するかということの探究においては、グローバルな次元とローカルな次元に加えて、両者の関係も明確にしなければならない。これからの海洋教育の基礎となる思想や主要な課題について再検討するための参照枠として、環境倫理学の視点は機能し得る。The purpose of this paper is to consider a possibility to apply the views of environmental ethics to marine education. Traditional environmental ethics whose basis is European thought mainly focuses on the values and the ways of decision-making to solve global environmental problems. On the contrary, some ethicists in Japan make much of a diversity of the relationships between nature and human beings. They analyze a character of community focusing on its socio-economic aspects and cultural-spiritual aspects. Both approaches are necessary because many environmental problems in the contemporary society are “glocal,” that is, global dimensions and local dimensions are complexly intertwined. Such a view is also important in marine education. Not only global and local dimensions but also their relationships should be clarified in seeking the ways to coexist with marine environment. The views of environmental ethics can function as a frame of reference to reconsider the basic ideas and the main tasks of marine education from now on.東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋政策文化学部門Department of Marine Policy and Culture, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT

    情報倫理学の視点から見た初年次教育の諸課題 ―海洋政策文化学科における「情報リテラシー」の講義を事例として―

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    情報倫理学は、現代社会における科学技術がもたらした諸問題に主に焦点を合わせる「応用倫理学」の一領域であると見なされている。多くの大学において、初年次教育の一環として、いわゆる「情報倫理」が教えられているが、それはどこまで実効的であり得るだろうか。従来の情報倫理教育の自明性を問い直すことを通じて、初年次教育の在り方を情報倫理学の視点から検討することが、本稿の課題である。例えば、情報倫理教育において、個人情報やプライバシーの大切さを教えることは正しいかもしれない。しかし、より実効的であり得るのは、なぜそれらが大切なのかということを自ら批判的に問う機会を受講者に提供することである。そのためには、個人情報やプライバシーに関わる諸理論の根底にある「個人」という概念を考察しなければならない。このことは、研究活動において従来の自明性を批判的に問い直すという作業が重要であることを、受講者が体験的に学ぶ契機にもなり得る。Information ethics is regarded as a discipline of “applied ethics” which mainly focuses on problems caused by science and technology in the contemporary society. What is called “information ethics” is taught as a part of the first-year curriculum at many universities, but to what degree can it be effective? A purpose of this paper is to discuss how the first-year curriculum should be from the view of information ethics, by questioning the self-evidence of conventional information ethics education. For example, teaching the importance of personal information and privacy may be appropriate. However, giving the students an opportunity to think critically why they are important can be more effective. To put it into practice, it is necessary to discuss the concept “individual,” which is a basis of theories on personal information and privacy. This also can be a chance students learn experientially questioning critically conventional self-evidence in research activities is important.東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋政策文化学部門Department of Marine Policy and Culture, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT

    Quantitative analysis of thrombopoietin receptors on human megakaryocytes

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    AbstractThrombopoietin (TPO), or c-MPL ligand, is the primary regulator of megakaryocyte and platelet production. TPO receptors expressed on human megakaryocytes derived from peripheral blood (PB) and cord blood (CB) progenitors cultured in the presence of TPO have now been analyzed quantitatively. Like those on human PB platelets, TPO receptors on the cultured megakaryocytes exhibited a molecular mass of approximately 80 kDa. Various characteristics of PB- and CB-derived megakaryocytes indicated that the former were more mature than the latter. Both PB- and CB-derived megakaryocytes expressed a single class of high-affinity TPO receptors, with 1933±772 (n=3) and 184±48 (n=4) sites per cell, respectively. These data indicate that the number of TPO receptors on human megakaryocytes increases with cell maturation


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    倫理学の観点からの教育活動の接合可能性 ―海洋政策文化学科における初年次教育の経験に基づいて―

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    初年次教育としての様々な教育活動は接合し得るのかということを、環境倫理学と情報倫理学の観点から検討することが、本稿の目的である。環境倫理学と情報倫理学に共通する傾向の一つは、普遍主義と多元主義の対立、すなわち、地域を越えて一律の基準を適用するのか、それとも社会や文化の多様性を尊重するのかということである。第二に、科学技術の発達と普及に伴う不確実性の増大が、環境倫理学においても情報倫理学においても主要な論点になっている。そして、これらの困難に直面し、現代社会では従来の規範が機能不全に陥っている。それゆえ、問題解決のための新しい規範が必要であると言われる。重要なのは、規範がどのように有効に機能し得るのかということである。本稿にて提唱する一つの可能性は、意思決定に参加する人々が自らの自明性を問い直すための相互の学びをサポートする参照枠として、倫理学が機能することである。初年次教育としての倫理学の観点からの教育活動は、学びの過程での多角的かつ批判的な思考と参照枠の活用が意思決定の場面において、さらには大学での研究活動においても重要であることについて、受講者が理解を深める機会となり得る。The purpose of this paper is to consider if various education activities as the first-year curriculum can be connected from the viewpoints of environmental ethics and information ethics. A tendency common to environmental ethics and information ethics is the antagonism between universalism and pluralism, that is, whether applying a unique criterion beyond the areas or making much of social and cultural diversity. Secondly, an increase of uncertainty with the development and the spread of science and technology is a major issue of environmental ethics and information ethics. Conventional norms fall into malfunction in contemporary society faced with these difficulties. Therefore, it is said that new norms to solve the problems are necessary. What is important is how they can function well. A possibility proposed in this paper is ethics functions as a frame of reference supporting people who take part in decision-making learn with each other to reconsider their truism. Education activities from the viewpoints of ethics as the first-year curriculum can be an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding that multilateral and critical thinking through the process of learning and the use of a frame of reference is important in decision-making, besides, in their research activities at university.東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋政策文化学部門Department of Marine Policy and Culture, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT

    Phase Evolution of Trirutile Li₀.₅FeF₃ for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    Extensive studies on trirutile Li₀.₅FeF₃ phase have been commissioned in the context of the Li–Fe–F system for Li-ion batteries. However, progress in electrochemical and structural studies has been greatly encumbered by the low electrochemical reactivity of this material. In order to advance this class of materials, a comprehensive study into the mechanisms of this phase is necessary. Therefore, herein, we report for the first time overall reaction mechanisms of ordered trirutile Li₀.₅FeF₃ at elevated temperatures of 90 °C with the aid of a thermally stable ionic liquid electrolyte. Ordered trirutile Li₀.₅FeF₃ is prepared by high-energy ball milling combined with heat treatment followed by electrochemical tests, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray absorption spectroscopic analyses. Our results reveal that a reversible topotactic Li⁺ extraction/insertion from/into the trirutile structure occurs in a two-phase reaction with a minor volume change (1.09% between Li₀.₅FeF₃ and Li₀.₁₁FeF₃) in the voltage range of 3.2–4.3 V. The extension of the lower cutoff voltage to 2.5 V results in a conversion reaction to LiF and rutile FeF₂ during discharging. The subsequent charge triggers the formation of the disordered trirutile structure at 4.3 V without showing the reconversion from LiF and rutile FeF₂ to ordered trirutile Li₀.₅FeF₃ or FeF₃